The Center for Community College Student Engagement recently published Engagement Rising, an optimistic report on eleven years of results of the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). The CCSSE is a survey that asks students about their involvement with their college, classes, faculty and peers. Many institutions have used the CCSSE, providing a sample size large…
Author: David Potash
Happy Cities: Hedonic Studies and Engineered Environments
Canadian journalist Charles Montgomery is an outstanding publicist for cities and all things urban. In his recent book, The Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design, Montgomery extols the benefits of density, mass transit, and mixed used development. He argues that the ultimate aim of cities since ancient Athens has been the transformation personal happiness into concrete forms.…
A Blue Student at a Red College: Unlikely Disciple
The concept behind Unlikely Disciple is simple and powerful: Kevin Roose, a student at liberal Brown University, takes a semester at Christian and conservative Liberty University in Virginia. Inspired by an internship with A. J. Jacobs, editor at Esquire and author of The Year of Living Biblically, Roose’s plan was to learn about the people and culture…
Accreditation: Please Pay Attention! Please. . . .
Ask anyone whose career is not within higher education about accreditation and you will get a blank stare. “It has something to do with quality, right?” is about the best response one can hope for. Public indifference notwithstanding, accreditation is fiercely debated in policy circles. Institutions of higher education spends millions of hours on it. Accreditation…
Endless Battles: Goldstein’s The Teacher Wars
The debate over education in America is high-stakes and high-stress. “Crisis” captures the mood as many argue that education in the United States as ineffective and inefficient. Some political and educational leaders demand wide-scale changes. Others, like Diane Ravitch in Reign of Error, believe that things are not that bad. Graduation and student success rates are improving.…
Retaking the Rudder: An Aspiring Adult’s Chase for Zeroes
Laura Newland is a 2010 alumna of Duke University. In her senior year, she started writing about her experiences seeking Wall Street internships. Shortly after graduation and finding a job outside of finance, she finished the ambitiously titled Chasing Zeroes: The Rise of Student Debt, the Fall of the College Ideal, and One Overachiever’s Misguided…
Are We All Poorly Directed? The Challenge of Aspiring Adults Adrift
Richard Arum and Josipa Roska shook the higher education world in 2011 with Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. A study driven curiosity and informed by data about how and what college students learn, the book raised a host of important questions about the primary function and utility of a college degree. Using that…