In 2003, Edward P. St. John wrote Refinancing the College Dream: Access, Equal Opportunity, and Justice for Taxpayers, an ambitious work explaining the failures and challenges of United States higher education financial aid policy. St. John, a distinguished professor education at the University of Michigan, charted at a macro-level the coalitions and thinking that led to shifting…
Author: David Potash
Being in/Being and Technology
As I write this on a laptop connected to a local wi-fi, I am sitting in a coffee shop, listening to global house music through a streaming site (Spotify). When I look around, I see other people focused on their phones, tablets, a laptops. People may be enjoying themselves, but they are not idle. The…
Failed College Presidencies – What Have You Done For Us Lately?
One of my favorite books around the age of twelve was True Tales of Terror. A nonfiction account of murders, mayhem, and disasters, it mixed gore and goth, leading to a fascination with unhappy stories. While I eventually I tired of reading about catastrophes, every now and then the sentiment returns and I catch the…
Who Has the Crook? On Excellent Sheep
Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life, is a cleverly titled dark manifesto from a former professor of English at Yale, William Deresiewicz. It is also, like so many other recently published books on academia’s failures, a critique that is about much more than higher education. Excellent Sheep is a…
Toolkits and Community College Presidential Searches
As a community college president, I read Aspen Institute publications closely. Aspen has positioned itself as one of the nation’s preeminent nonprofit foundations involved in community college education. Several years ago the foundation initiated the Aspen Prize to recognize community colleges for exceptional outcomes in student learning, degree/certificate completion, employment and earnings, as well as access and…
Thinking Through Modern History with Professor Judt
For most folks, a historian is a scholar concerned about the past, possibly with an obsession over dates. Within the academy, historians are considered unreliable social scientists (economic history is never quite as rigorous as real economics) or denizens of the humanities who focus in nonfiction. Good historians write well, but not too well. As a discipline, a systematic…
Education’s LMS Challenge
Edutechnica recently posted a fascinating analysis of the LMS (Learning Management System) market. For those unfamiliar with the term of concept, an LMS is a software system that supports an electronic courses, training, or learning. Estimated to grow from $2.5 billion to nearly $8 billion by 2018 – a serious amount of money by any measure…