Case Studies and Higher Education Leadership

Bill Rezak, former president of Alfred University, offers a different kind of case study in The Best Dang Job in the World. The book tracks the imagined career of Rick Nedic, a made up ambitious dean with a facility with numbers and blessed with a supportive wife. Nedic’s professional life is played out in the broad middle…

Lower-Income Working Families in the Post-Welfare World – Lessons for Higher Ed

Caring for students will not guarantee success. Ongoing critical attention to students’ histories, experiences and values is essential for institutional effectiveness in higher education. For those of us who work at open access institutions, this means special awareness and sensitivity to issues of money, poverty, and agency.  According to the federal government, a working family of…

Higher Education Career & Credentials – An Introductory Map

A senior head hunter once said to me “free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it” just before suggesting how to improve my c.v. The warning of that recruiter often comes to mind when I am asked for professional development help. I think of my unfortunate decisions and remember my awkward mistakes. Nonetheless, the obligation to…

Building a Better Teacher: Many Ways, Many Challenges

A mix of history, journalism, education policy, and social critique, Elizabeth Green’s Building a Better Teacher, How Teaching Works (and How To Teach It To Everyone) is a fascinating hodgepodge of a book. It is about the world of teaching, from kindergarten through high school – and it has lessons for higher education. Green, a talented journalist and…

Engagement and Student Success: No Shortcuts

The Center for Community College Student Engagement recently published Engagement Rising, an optimistic report on eleven years of results of the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). The CCSSE is a survey that asks students about their involvement with their college, classes, faculty and peers. Many institutions have used the CCSSE, providing a sample size large…

Happy Cities: Hedonic Studies and Engineered Environments

Canadian journalist Charles Montgomery is an outstanding publicist for cities and all things urban. In his recent book, The Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design, Montgomery extols the benefits of density, mass transit, and mixed used development. He argues that the ultimate aim of cities since ancient Athens has been the transformation personal happiness into concrete forms.…

A Blue Student at a Red College: Unlikely Disciple

The concept behind Unlikely Disciple is simple and powerful: Kevin Roose, a student at liberal Brown University, takes a semester at Christian and conservative Liberty University in Virginia. Inspired by an internship with A. J. Jacobs, editor at Esquire and author of The Year of Living Biblically, Roose’s plan was to learn about the people and culture…