Do You Really Want a Job?

Ask any group of prospective college students and their parents about the goal of a college education and the answer, more often than not, will involve the words “job” or “career.” Students, especially students around their parents, often talk about what they want to do after graduation. The arc of these conversations is inevitable, particularly…

Principles, Policies and Procedures

A principle is a general tenet, a basic rule, a generalized proposition of the highest level. A policy is an organizational plan of action. A procedure is a particular set of actions. Principles exist across institutions and sectors; they emerge through complicated, almost philosophical debate. Policies exist within organizations; they are localized, developed, implemented and…

Scribed Thoughts on Technology and Change

The Livescribe Echo pen is a fascinating technological innovation. A pen with the ability to record sound, connect it with the text that it writes and then upload it to computer, the pen truly is “smart.” Recently profiled in the New York Times Sunday Magazine by Clive Thompson “The Pen That Never Forgets“, the Livescribe…

September 11 – September 18

Most everyone who lived in New York City on September 11, 2001, has something to say about it. The part of my story, my day, that I want to share here is as much about September 18th as 9/11. September 11, 2001, was a lovely Tuesday morning, brilliant blue skies and the kind of late…

Credit Hours – The Tie That Binds

The ubiquitous credit hour figures largely in higher education. From our first orientations sessions when sincere advisors explain the reasons that we needed nine credits of this or fifteen credits of that, to counting credits when planning for graduation, to looking at jobs and institutional practice – academic credit is the currency in the realm…


On Monday, Curry College held its second annual convocation. The institution was founded in the 1870s, but for many years convocation was not part of the tradition. It is now. The sun was shining and faces were smiling. More than 600 new first years processed through a double line of cheering faculty, entering our Student…

Why College?

Does anyone go to college today for anything other than practical reasons? Are all students looking for jobs? I very much enjoy talking with high school students about college. At Curry College, I regularly see prospective students and their families, from the early inquiry stage to applicant, accepted students, and then, possibly, matriculant. When the…