The Best Leadership is Useful Leadership

Ever talk with someone joining the community college world as an employee who doesn’t know all that much about community colleges? If I could only recommend one book – and that person was going to take some sort of leadership role – I would definitely recommend  Practical Leadership in Community Colleges: Navigating Today’s Challenges. It is…

A Recipe for Leadership Training

Looking for best and better practice in the community college world? Check out the programs and institutions that are Bellwether Award finalists. The Bellwether College Consortium, through the Community College Futures Assembly, evaluates innovative and successful programs across the nation. In 2005, the Community College of Philadelphia‘s Leadership Institute was a finalist for the Bellwether…

Leadership = Change = Innovation

Way back in 2008, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) published an interesting book called The Creative Community College: Leading Change Through Innovation. Edited by John E. Roueche, M. Melissa Richardson, Phillip W. Neal and Suanne D. Roueche, the book contains profiles of fourteen community colleges that had grown, changed and made significant improvements.…

Does Reading a Good Book Make You Better? Learning From Librarians

James LaRue, librarian and head of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, gave a short talk at Dominican University recently (the 22nd Annual McCcusker Memorial Lecture). I attended – and as a non-librarian, I was informed and encouraged by the important work that public libraries are doing to secure and strengthen public space…

Numbers Can’t Tell The Whole Story

We’ve all seen a lot about student debt of late: the massive numbers, and the challenges that students and their families face. It’s on television, the web, traditional media and in our collective zeitgeist. Student debt is everywhere – and it is poorly understood. A recent book does a fantastic job shining a light on…

The Great Mistake?

Sometimes things don’t work out because they are difficult or complicated. Sometimes they fail because of error or mistakes. And sometimes they don’t succeed because there isn’t interest or support. Christopher Newfield is a professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a leading scholar of universities. He oversees a really interesting…

Janesville: Tragedy of a Different Sort

Classic tragedy follows a set structure: a hero advances and is then brought to ruin through a tragic flaw. For those of us in the audience, we witness, we engage, and we learn. But when it comes to an economic tragedy, with its heartache, sorrow, and all manner of challenges and conflict, the rules of…